I'm doing the 12 week live the life diet and I joined the biggest loser 12 week program at my gym. They made me take a pic in my sports bra and I was supposed to try to look extra fat, being that you are judged on before and after appearance and not on weight loss. Day 4 of my diet today and I've been perfect! On Thurs. I'll weight in and report. I drink tons of water and feel like all I do all day is pee. So far this hasn't been too hard for me, I'm actually loving it. Jake came over yesterday and I made cookies and white rolls without even snitching!
So points start today. Call me because I think we might want to switch up the point system being that we are both on different specific diets. Should the prize be a care package? I like those. :)
sounds good. Yeah we should probably reeval the point sx. There is a 5 k May? that sound kinda fun. It is supposed to be supper easy and downhill; from the temple in provo by the MTC to the new provo temple (old tabernacle). Im thinking about it.