*No pop or sugar drinks (1 weekly point)
*Excercise 30 min. + 5 times a week unless health problem (1 wp)
*1 serving of a treat a week (2wp)
*If you stay in your goal calories and work out for the day, you may earn yourself one serving of a treat that doesn't count against you.
*5 fruits and/or veggies a day (1wp)
*No white bread (1 wp)
*No deep fried food (1 wp)
*Holidays don't really count
Bonus Points:
No white flour for the week (1wp)
Exercise more than 5times (1wp)

7 weekly points total. Could earn 9.

Think Skinny.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Week??

Should we just scratch last week? Between your sickness and my trip I'm a little mixed up about points. And do you have any ideas for May prize? We could do the winner has to take the loser to Golden Spoon. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. yes lets scratch it, way to confusing. I like the idea for the may prize. I love golden spoon. Im still working on your care package but its hard since Im one handed and medicaded so I cant drive safely
