*No pop or sugar drinks (1 weekly point)
*Excercise 30 min. + 5 times a week unless health problem (1 wp)
*1 serving of a treat a week (2wp)
*If you stay in your goal calories and work out for the day, you may earn yourself one serving of a treat that doesn't count against you.
*5 fruits and/or veggies a day (1wp)
*No white bread (1 wp)
*No deep fried food (1 wp)
*Holidays don't really count
Bonus Points:
No white flour for the week (1wp)
Exercise more than 5times (1wp)

7 weekly points total. Could earn 9.

Think Skinny.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Week One

So it was my Birthday week my bday was Sat so that might mean I have two Birthday weeks. People kept bringing me treats. How was I not supposed to eat them. I had great plans for getting an extra bonus point but I got sick and couldn't work out 6 days. I still have some cake from the Chocolate and a coconut cream pie in my fridge. Will I let my kids eat the rest of my cake? NO! Its just too yummy for them. Anyway I still did try and didnt do as bad as I could have. I have 4 pts. At least its in the positives. So how did fatikiss do????

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