*No pop or sugar drinks (1 weekly point)
*Excercise 30 min. + 5 times a week unless health problem (1 wp)
*1 serving of a treat a week (2wp)
*If you stay in your goal calories and work out for the day, you may earn yourself one serving of a treat that doesn't count against you.
*5 fruits and/or veggies a day (1wp)
*No white bread (1 wp)
*No deep fried food (1 wp)
*Holidays don't really count
Bonus Points:
No white flour for the week (1wp)
Exercise more than 5times (1wp)

7 weekly points total. Could earn 9.

Think Skinny.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Im only human

So the Huntsman forced me to make cinimin rolls for him so he could eat them with breakfast. I did and told myself I wouldn't eat any but when they came out of the oven at 10pm all hot and lovely I had to enjoy one...or two. On the other side today we went to a museum and the Huntsmen, knowing I was "dieting", bought me a Snapple instead of a soda. Sweet gesture, but the second ingredient was sugar. I thanked him and put it in my purse where it is still unopened. When he's not looking I'll feed it to the kiddos. Working out is going well and today

drum roll please

I can now button my fat pants. Slightly sad to be so excited to be able to button up one pair of fat pants but mostly happy cause its been 5 weeks since I had Sleeping Beauty and thats the soonest thats ever happened. So YAY for me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, YAY for you!! Gotta love you can already fit back into your pants!
    Oh well on the cinnamon rolls, at least your were in your calories.

    I think we should start our weeks on Sun…like Sunday being the first day of the week. Because I always want to eat a treat on Sunday and it is to hard for me to have a free treat and not eat it until then. Other than that all is well. I didn't work out until 9:00 last night…but I did it because I didn't want to lose my point. I think this is working. I just hope to eventually see results!
